

Dr. Dinah Jung

anthropologist and licensed clinical naturopath
Email: heritage < at > mindful-breathing . com

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

We are grateful for your suggestions and comments on this project and the Asian perfumery heritage in general. Please, get in touch!


This project depends on donations to be continued.

It would be worth to:

  • publish extant research data,
  • archive and exhibit exemplary perfumery utensils and manuscripts,
  • encourage and support younger scholars to take up new research in this field,
  • enable intra-Asian exchange between practitioners,
  • deepen the investigation of Asian naturopathy,
  • offer sensory trainings and therapeutic information,
  • support professionals to offer therapy that is based on traditional phytotherapeutic knowledge,
  • invite the public to adventurous journeys into the world of fragrances.

We will be excited to get to know your requests and suggestions! Please, get in touch!


This website is a non-profit, private initiative by Dr. Dinah Jung, and is based on long-term research on Asian arts of producing, refining and appreciating aromatics as well as on therapeutic experience.


The research has been possible through the enormous support by uncounted perfumery stakeholders all over Asia and elsewhere:

  • Producers, retailers, and vendors, of both raw materials and fine products,
  • Physicians, therapeutic specialists, spiritual masters, and other experts of aromatics,
  • Users,
  • Museums, archives, libraries, cultural and educational institutions,
  • NGOs.

Due to the impossibility of presenting all Asian perfumery stakeholders individually on this website, none of them is named here in favor of impartialness towards all of them.

The website was established in the frame of an interdisciplinary and multicultural research project at the University of Heidelberg (2009-2013). Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Lothar Ledderose. Research assistants: Jiani Gao, Rima Haj Rachid, Stephanie Akiko Haschke, Tayebeh Rafiee Sadi, and others.

The project has been kindly supported by outstanding scholars since then.